Difference Between Legacy vs UEFI Bios | Which is Better | Droidnur123

Difference Between Legacy vs UEFI Bios | Which is Better-Droidnur123,Welcome to your Dn420 blog. So in this article today we are going to learn about
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Welcome to your Dn420 blog. So in this article today we are going to learn about the Difference Between Legacy vs UEFI Bios | Which is Better So we will know all these things in this article. So stay in this article and know more details.

  • What is BIOS?
  • What is Lazlegacyesy BIOS mode?
  • What is UEFI BIOS mode?
  • Which BIOS mode should you use and which will be better for you? And one more thing we will know it in a simple way.

Deference Between UEFI BIOS and Legacy BIOS

Before we know about Legacy BIOS and UEFI BIOS, we need to know what is BIOS? There is a lot of work behind this Process like checking the parts of the machine if all is well, then looking for the operating system from the hard disk that you have installed then loading it first in RAM then in the CPU then the operating system will do the next job like if you have any. It comes with a lock screen or password, then you can work.

Whats Is BIOS?

In the old days, computers did not have a BIOS, so they worked directly on the software. So the problem would be that if any of the Windows files were corrupted or if the OS was bad or if any of the parts were bad it would not be known because the screen would not load.

 Due to this, it would be difficult to find the problem and it would take a lot of time. That is why the name BIOS is installed in the software And BIOS computers are pre-installed as a chip in MOTHERBOARD. In a word, BIOS is given for free with MOTHERBOARD.

.I hope what is bios are are you understand! Let's get to know the full name of the BIOS Basic Input Output System and its job is to POST means to turn on the screen by checking all the hardware.

What is Lazlegacyesy BIOS mode?

Let us know about its interface. Logic BIOS means CUY
If you want to do something here, you have to work with the keyboard and if you want to do more, you have to type from the keyboard.

Now we know the maximum capacity of Lazecy bios :

1. The first problem is It does not support any hard disk above 2000 GB 

2. The second problem is that it does not support GPT partition, much better than GPT MBR it does not support. 

3. The third problem is that it is a CUI-based operating system.
4. Then the problem is that it is a 16bit operating system. The best 16 bit is better than 32 bit Better 32bit than 32bit. 

5. It is an unprotected BIOS because it is old and no longer unprotected.

  • To solve this problem UEFI comes to the market, its full name is Unified Extensible Firmware Interface.

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About the Author

Droidnur is the Founder & CEO of droidnur.eu.org & Publisher with an Entrepreneur. He is Also a Collage Student & Full Time Passionate Blogger.

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