How to Download Chat GPT App Android Phone Shortcut | Droidnur

If you do a chat gpt, then you must like the current chat gpt a Beta version has been released so if you want to create the app shortcut, then let's
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If you do a chat gpt, then you must like the current chat gpt a Beta version has been released so if you want to create the app shortcut, then let's just explain the steps that need to be followed by this post.

I will show you how to GPT a chat for android free App Shortcuts need to be downloaded which means you can now quickly access Chat GPT as such an app on your phone's home screen.

And directly get answers to your questions or content created in this way. It's easy to do and only takes a minute which you must do first though if you haven't already created a Chat GPT account you can learn how by reading this short blog post.

Yes. So let's see how

Download chat gbt app shortcut for mobile for this method you need to login to chatgpt so now open a browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Browser) we will start with chrome and then I will show you how to do this process using firefox and chat Enter the internet web browser by typing

Now you go to the chatGPT website you need to log in using your already created account and if you haven't already done so watch the video to learn.

If you have signed up na then sign up by pressing sign up or you can also use google or apple id or follow below procedure.

How To Sign Up ChatGPT

After clicking on sign up button we will put our email address and select I am not a robot go ahead and complete the verification puzzle and then tap continue then go ahead and enter your password and tap continue you can see that we are now Logged into chat GPT. Go ahead to download free chat GPT app shortcut for android phone and tap on the three dots on the top right view the image below to know full.

And then it's as simple as tapping Add on the home screen. Name chat gpt and see we got logo which will be used for actual cut so tap add we got a message there saying shortcut added to home screen so Go back to Homeskin and then yours Go to home apps and there you go to chat GPT is ready as a shortcut app for you to use anytime so check it out.

What this will do is we will close google chrome for now and then we will directly click on the ChatGPT icon It is already logged in for this session so you may need to log in again every time you turn your phone off and on.

When you tap on the icon it opens directly and here we are ready to give an input.

We will show you how to do this with a few different web browsers but Did you know you can earn money with ChatGPT How to earn money with ChatGPT It has been well discussed in detail before read here to know more.

So again let's try this using a Firefox browser Go ahead and go to that website chat dot so we'll log in here skim through the login process again we're logged into chat gpt in firefox

So to download the chat gpt app shortcut firefox again tap on the three icons at the bottom and again add to the home screen tap add app name and short cut then it is added back to the home screen we'll go ahead and turn it off to show that it Works when we close all browsers again you will see we are finally at chat.openai again for Samsung internet browser.

Now for Samsung's internet web browser now let's system logins now tap on the bottom three lines add bottom two and then tap on home screen select 'added to home screen' and it's again when we're using chat gpt shortcut through samsung web browser Then we

need to verify we're human so we'll skip that bit and again we're inside chat gbt via an app shortcut now you have a chat gpt account and download the chat gbt android app shortcut


Today in this post we learned how to create ChatGPT app shortcut very easily.Hope you like this Touturial if you like then share with you friend and if You have any complaint/Idea reared this topic we will request comments below with your queries. Thank you Visit Again 💖

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About the Author

Droidnur is the Founder & CEO of & Publisher with an Entrepreneur. He is Also a Collage Student & Full Time Passionate Blogger.

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