Best way to Enable Lazy-Loading Images On Blogger Website | Droidnur

Boost Your Blog's Ranking with Lazy-Loading Images: A Guide for Blogger Websites. Are you looking to improve your blog's search engine ranking? One ke
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Boost Your Blog's Ranking with Lazy-Loading Images: A Guide for Blogger Websites. Are you looking to improve your blog's search engine ranking? One key factor is website speed, and while Blogger may not offer to cache or image optimization plugins, it is still possible to optimize your site with lazy loading images. Learn how to enable this feature and take your blog to the top.

Impact of Images on Website Speed: Need for Optimization. Using numerous images on a single web page can negatively impact website speed by increasing resource requests and slowing page load times. The importance of optimizing images for optimal website performance cannot be overstated.

Optimize Images for Improved Website Speed: The Importance of User Experience. To provide a smooth and satisfying user experience, websites should load within 3 seconds. However, Google research shows that the average web page load time is 22 seconds. Optimizing images is crucial. Increasing website speed and Ensuring a positive user experience.

Image Optimization in Blogger vs WordPress: The Difference. While WordPress offers various image optimization plugins such as Short Pixel and Smush, optimizing images on Blogger websites requires manual effort. It involves optimizing images before uploading to ensure better website performance.

What is a Lazy-loading strategy?

Lazy Loading: An Optimization Strategy for Fast Websites Lazy loading is a technique that delays loading resources until needed, ultimately reducing initial load times and improving website performance.

Lazy Loading in Action: Enhancing the User Experience with Image Loading. A great example of lazy loading is when there are multiple images at the bottom of a webpage. Instead of loading all the images at once, a placeholder is displayed until the user scrolls down. The position of the image, Then the entire image is loaded. This technique improves page speed and enhances the user experience.

Benefits of Lazy Loading Images: Improved Performance and Storage. Enabling lazy loading for images provides many benefits, including reduced initial load time, reduced page weight, and optimized server and client resources. By only serving content when requested, Lazy loading conserves bandwidth, thereby improving overall performance.

Lazy Loading in Action: Saving Server Resources by Loading Images. For example, consider a blog post with 6 images. If a user scrolls down to see only the 3rd image and does not continue scrolling, the browser will only display those 3. T will load images. images, saving server resources and optimizing performance.

Lazy Loading: Improving Core Web Vitals and Page Speed with Priority Loading. Using lazy loading, browsers prioritize loading images visible above the fold of the screen. This reduces total page size and increases your website's performance, leading Page Speed Insights reports and better scores on advanced core web vitals.

Step to Lazy-loading Image setup For Blogger:

Steps to Implement Lazy Load on Blogger Websites. To add a lazy load script to your Blogger website, follow these steps. It will automatically apply lazy load to all images, with no need for manual inline tag insertion.

  1. Accessing Themes section in the Blogger dashboard. To get started, navigate to the Blogger dashboard and click on the 'Themes' section.
  2. To edit HTML in a Blogger theme. From the drop-down menu in the Themes section, click 'Edit HTML' next to Customize arrow icon to access the HTML code of your Blogger website.
  3. To Find the '' Tag in Blogger HTML Editor. In the HTML Editor, press 'Ctrl + F' and search for '' or scroll down to the end of the code to locate the "tag".
  4. "To add the JavaScript Code to Blogger Theme. Paste the JavaScript code just above the '' tag and save the changes in the XML theme editor."

Setting up Lazy-loading in Blogger From mobile:

First Open Chrome I will give example with Chrome for my convenience if you are using another browser the procedure will be the same.

  1. First, go to the blogger dashboard and confirm your blog. And now select the theme option from the left side.
  2. Now click the arrow icon next to the customize button and select Backup. And let your theme's backup file download
  3. Now download and install the Quick Edit app from Play Store. Then click or share the backup file of the theme where it is saved and open it with Quick Edit App. Now scroll down and paste the below code on the tag. Save now.
  4. Finally, now back to the blogger dashboard and click on Themes>>Restore, select the saved .xml file, and wait for it to upload.
  5. If could not restore the issue then read here how to fix the Could not Restore issue during blogger template restoration. How to Fix Could not Restore Blogger Theme
  6. If you don't understand that then you can see the above method.

You can now check the speed of your website on Google Page Speed Insights, which will also indicate if lazy loading has been correctly implemented. In the screenshot below, you can see that my website has passed the lazy loading audit.

Lazy-Loading Images script for Blogger

Lazy-Loading Images On Blogger script

*Click on the Download button and wait for the timer follow some simple steps to get the Download link and then click on the Download button and save the Template XML /zip file,


Tips for Lazy loading images without script

It is possible to lazy load images without relying on scripts. You can use the native slow-loading feature provided by your browser. This approach eliminates the need for any JavaScript code in your theme, as all you need to do is add a simple attribute to your image code, such as "loading="lazy".

Implementing lazy loading with a small code

<img loading="lazy" src="#" alt="image alt tag" />

By adding a small line of code to your image tag, you tell the browser that the image should be lazy-loaded. This means that the browser will only load the image when the user scrolls to its position on the page. This feature is supported by most modern browsers.

There are two ways to implement lazy loading on a Blogger website: using an automated script or adding code manually.


Hope you have been able to add the image lazy load function to your blogger website very easily. If you like the post, please bookmark our site. Please comment on how you like the post.

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About the Author

Droidnur is the Founder & CEO of & Publisher with an Entrepreneur. He is Also a Collage Student & Full Time Passionate Blogger.

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