2ndline & Textnow Is Unavailable In Your Country | Textnow Country Error | 2ndline Unavailable

Hey everyone are you an android user or you are not getting Country Error / Create an Account option in 2nd line & Text now app. Then you have come t
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 Hey everyone are you an android user or you are not getting Country Error / Create an Account option in 2nd line & Text now app. Then you have come to the right post, I will tell you in this blog post how to fix it very easily? Let's begin

2ndline & Textnow Is Unavailable In Your Country | Textnow Country Error | 2ndline Unavailable
2ndline & Textnow Is Unavailable In Your Country | Textnow Country Error | 2ndline Unavailable

Why this problem? 

 The main reason for eai problem is because 2ndline & textnow app / Service is only available on US / Canada, read now to know more about 2ndline & textnow service's. So let's see how to fix it, we need to connect VPN (Virtual Private Network) Proxy of US / Canada. How do I do that? For that I will use Touch VPN for proxy.

Step No 1 

First Download & open Touch VPN. Also Download Textnow / 2nd Line app above the link if you already download it please upgrade to Latest Version. 

2ndline & Textnow Is Unavailable In Your Country | Textnow Country Error | 2ndline Unavailable

 Step No 2 

First, Textnow (I will give an example of textnow app here, you can use 2nd line app) Before opening the app, open Vpn and select US Server and connect (Imprtent). Now open the TextNow app and check if there is an option for Create an Account or not. If not then .

Step No 3 

Rest App setting & Clear Data / Force Stop. So go to Settings then App >> Mange Apps >> Find TextNow app. Open and Clear Data then give all permissions from Permission section. And don't forget to Force Stop. Now open the Touch VPN and disconnect and connect again to the User Server proxy and clear the text now app from resent and open it. See if the option of Create an Account comes then complete the setup. Or if not then do this process two to three times hopefully your problem will be fixed.

2ndline & Textnow Is Unavailable In Your Country | Textnow Country Error | 2ndline Unavailable
2ndline & Textnow Is Unavailable In Your Country | Textnow Country Error | 2ndline Unavailable

2ndline & Textnow Is Unavailable In Your Country | Textnow Country Error | 2ndline Unavailable


Today in this post we know how to fix County problem of 2ndLine & Textnow app. If you like the post, please share the post and give your original opinion / complaint in the comments.

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About the Author

Droidnur is the Founder & CEO of droidnur.eu.org & Publisher with an Entrepreneur. He is Also a Collage Student & Full Time Passionate Blogger.

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