Median Ui 1.7 Premium Blogger Template Free Download | Droidnur123

If you are looking for a responsive and clean blogger template with a high reading ability, then the Median UI v1.7 template is the one you need. This
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If you are looking for a responsive and clean blogger template with a high reading ability, then the Median UI v1.7 template is the one you need. This classic template was designed by Jago Deasain, keeping in mind the UI concept. It is one of the best blogger templates with a simple design and fast loading speed.

Median UI 1.6: The Ultimate Redesign for Your Blogger Website | Droidnur
Median Ui 1.7 Premium Blogger Template Free Download

Dashboard and UI Design of Median UI:

The Median UI v1.7 template comes with an impressive and unique dashboard and UI design that will be loved by everyone. This template has a classic yet modern design that sets it apart from other templates. The UI design is optimized for the best user experience.

What is Median UI 1.7?

Median UI 1.7 is a clean, modern, and responsive Blogger template that is designed to meet the demands of today's bloggers. With its sleek and minimalist design, Median UI 1.7 is perfect for those who want to focus on their content and create a visually appealing website that their audience will love.

This template is built with a fully responsive design, which means that it will automatically adjust to any screen size, ensuring that your website will look great on desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices.

Median Ui 1.7 Template Preview

Template Information

Template Name Median UI 1.7
Version Latest
Price 00.00$(Right Now)
Published on March 12, 2023
Last updated on April 1, 2023
Platform/CMS Blogger
Developer Droidnur
Purchase Link Download


Author Website Jagodesain

Median Ui Docs All Typography & Formats

Official Purchase Link Purchase From Author

Features of Median UI v1.7 Template:

The Median UI v1.7 template is packed with features that make it one of the best templates for bloggers. Here are some of the notable features:

SEO-friendly and Highly Optimized:

The Median UI v1.7 template is optimized for search engines, making it easier for your blog to rank higher on Google and other search engines. The template is also highly optimized for faster loading speed.

AdSense Friendly:

If you are using Google AdSense on your blog, then the Median UI v1.7 template is perfect for you. It is AdSense friendly, and the placement of ads is optimized for maximum click-through rates.

Responsive Design:

The Median UI v1.7 template is designed to be responsive, ensuring that your blog looks great on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Advanced and Unique Feature:

The Median UI v1.7 template comes with advanced and unique features that are not available in other templates. These features include a custom search bar, related posts widget, and many others.

  1. /Adsense friendly: According to one of the search results , the Median UI template is Adsense friendly, which could be a significant advantage for bloggers who want to monetize their blog.
  2. Three-column menu layout: Unlike other templates, Median UI has a unique three-column menu layout, where the first column is dedicated to the navigation menu that can be minimized, as mentioned in one of the search results.
  3. Middle auto-related posts: Another search result mentioned a tutorial on how to add middle auto-related posts in the Median UI template, which could be an advanced feature for bloggers who want to increase user engagement and provide more value to their readers.

Overall, the Median UI template seems to be a simple yet flexible blogger template with unique features like its three-column menu layout and AdSense friendliness. Although there may not be many advanced features highlighted in the search results, the responsiveness and customizable design of the template can provide bloggers with ample opportunities to create a unique and engaging blog.

Benefits of using Median UI v1.7 Template

Using the Median UI v1.7 template has several benefits for bloggers. Here are some of the benefits of using this template:

  1. Faster Loading Speed: The Median UI v1.7 template is designed to load faster, ensuring that your readers do not have to wait long for your blog to load.
  2. Better User Experience The Median UI v1.7 template is optimized for the best user experience, ensuring that your readers can navigate your blog with ease.
  3. Improved Search Engine Rankings Using the Median UI v1.7 template can improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for your blog to be found on Google and other search engines.


--Update: Feb 9, 2023
Release version 1.7

  1. Allow: Define your own design, more colors and backgrounds can be changed through Customize Blogger Theme.
  2. Allow: Change header logo size via Customize Blogger Theme.
  3. More: Bookmark this post |
  4. Added: Copy to Clipboard button on Syntax Highlighter.
  5. Added: Normalize.css v8.0.1 |
  6. Added: New article elements: Guide list , Pros/conslist list , Manual lightbox image .
  7. Extra: More style options on the table.
  8. Extra: List of labels at the end of the post.
  9. Optimization: DarkMode v2.0, add default system-based dark mode option.
  10. Optimization: TimeAgo v2.0, Easier to choose timestamp format.
  11. Optimized: Product Post v2.0, Added discount option from 10% to 90%.
  12. Optimization: Widget slider v2.0.
  13. Optimal: Easier to learn the material.
  14. Optimization: Write simple code structure.
  15. Improvement: Changed the location of Profile widgets.
  16. Improvement: Easier to change some default text, now you can change some text through Blogger Layout.
  17. Improvement: Hide part of profile description too long.
  18. Improvement: Moved the Blogger comments column to the first section.
  19. Improvement: Fully uses Iconsax | .
  20. Removed: Automatic lightbox visualization feature, currently this feature must be added manually.
  21. Removed: Sitemap on staticPage.
  22. Removed: Deal feature.
  23. Removed: Contact Form Widget on a static page.
  24. Bug fix: Some widget layouts didn't fit when re-added.
  25. Fix: Could not add link to image in post.
  26. Bug fix: Improvements to JSON scheme, added alternate profile and photo urls to avoid bugs.
  27. Bug fix: Known/reported bug.

Download Median Ui V1.7 Premium Blogger Template Free

*Click on the Download button and wait for the timer follow some simple steps to get the Download link and then click on the Download button and save the Template XML /zip file,



The templates and files we are sharing are already available on the internet, we do not modify or clone any templates. Please buy the template legally, if you have money and can get the latest updates and customization guide, so please buy this template from the above link.
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*We are sharing these templates only for educational purposes and non-profit basis, we do not hold any rights for shared templates, files, and images available on this blog. If you own a template and want to remove the file from our site, please contact us and we will remove your files within 24 hours. DMCA Disclaimer Contact Us

Key Features of New Median UI 1.7

Safelink Redesign: One of the standout features of Median UI 1.7 is its innovative redesign. This feature allows you to monetize your website by placing ads on your pages, without compromising the user experience. The safelink redesign ensures that your ads are displayed in a way that is both aesthetically pleasing and highly effective.

Customizable Homepage: Another great feature of Median UI 16 is its customizable homepage. This means that you can choose how you want your website to look, including the layout, colors, and font. You can also add your own logo, background image, and more.

Flexible Navigation: Median UI 16 also offers a flexible navigation system that allows you to add, remove, or rearrange your pages as needed. This makes it easy to create a website that is tailored to your specific needs.

Easy to Use: Median UI 16 is extremely user-friendly, making it easy to get started even if you have no prior coding experience. The template comes with a detailed documentation guide, and there is a wealth of support available online, including video tutorials and forums.


It is a flexible and user-friendly option for bloggers who want to create a simple yet engaging news blog Its responsive design and customizable features, such as three-column menu layout and AdSense friendliness, allow bloggers to create a unique and professional-looking blog that is accessible on a variety of devices. Adding auto-related posts to the medium can increase user engagement and provide more value to readers. Overall, the Median UI template can be a great choice for bloggers who want to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing blog.

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About the Author

Droidnur is the Founder & CEO of & Publisher with an Entrepreneur. He is Also a Collage Student & Full Time Passionate Blogger.

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